SCW Fitness Education
SCW Fitness Education has been in business for 39 years and is the largest provider of continuing education conferences in the world focusing on Group Fitness and Personal Training with an emphasis on execution, leadership and management. With seven (7) regional live shows spanning 36 years, MANIA® Conferences are held in Washington D.C., California (San Francisco), Florida (Orlando), Atlanta, Dallas, Midwest (Chicago), and Boston annually. SCW reaches over 8,000 fitness professionals in face-to-face contacts, 70K on our email list, and another 300,000+ in virtual connections. MANIA® Conventions offer 10-12 sessions running every hour on all different aspects of the fitness/wellness industry (HIIT, Functional Training, Cycling, Mind/Body, Barre, Dance, Aqua, Nutrition, Recovery, Business & Leadership.) SCW is unparalleled in its provision of certifications, continuing education courses and conventions to fitness professionals in multiple disciplines both live and online.

SCW MANIA® Fitness Pro Conventions
MANIA® is more than just a Fitness Pro Convention; it’s the place where the fitness community goes to be educated, inspired and recharged! As the largest and most widespread U.S. provider of continuing education for fitness instructors, each MANIA® is a 3-day Fitness Education Convention where you can earn up to 20 CECs from SCW, AFAA, NASM, ACE, AEA, and ACSM in a single weekend, running up to 13 sessions every hour. Our 8 regional MANIA® Fitness Pro Conventions across the U.S. feature world-renowned fitness educators leading over 250 sessions on Group Exercise, Personal Training, HIIT programming, Cycle, Aqua, Yoga, Barre, Pilates, Active Aging, Sports Nutrition, Leadership/Business and every topic imaginable!

SCW Certifications
SCW Fitness Education is a nationally recognized certification organization that has trained over 200,000 Fitness Professionals. Our certifications are recognized by fitness facilities across the USA and Internationally. Available both Online and Live, the SCW Fitness Education Certifications are both general and specialty in orientation and span on over 30 topics from Group Exercise to Personal Training, Aqua, Yoga, Barre, Pilates, Active Aging, HIIT, Sports Nutrition, and more.

SCW OnDemand
SCW OnDemand is an extensive premium video subscription service that puts instant access to over 600 unique workouts right at your fingertips, 24/7. Available on your computer or mobile device, this exciting collection grows every MANIA as our sessions are filmed live with the top Fitness Industry Presenters. Enjoy UNLIMITED STREAMING of your favorite presenters demonstrating the best of Personal Training, Group Exercise, HIIT training, Aquatic Fitness, Yoga, Barre, Pilates, Active Aging, Dance, Business, Leadership and much more!

WATERinMOTION® is a pre-choreographed, quarterly-released group aqua exercise program that refreshes the moves, music and member experience every three (3) months through a new choreography video, downloadable 55 minutes of music, complete choreo booklet, flash cards and one (1) page choreo quick guide with stellar banners, posters and marketing kits. WATERinMOTION® (“WIM”) includes a comprehensive certification (both live and online) featuring leaders with over 100 years of combined teaching experience guaranteeing a safe, structured and creative class EVERY class!

WATERinMOTION® Platinum caters to the growing segment of the U.S. population that won’t settle for second best. WATERinMOTION® Platinum supplies safe, effective and fun classes that are guaranteed to bring excitement back into your pool; by offering a system that understands and addresses the specific needs of your 65+ and/or deconditioned client.Our solid seven-year business model continues to receive accolades and to grow through our nationally-recognized leadership team.

WATERinMOTION® Strength takes advantage of the aqua environment to build muscular endurance, power, and overall tone in a 45-minute workout using aqua dumbbells. Combine the unique properties of water to build lean muscle through the creative use of drag, resistance, and buoyancy. Water minimizes the strain of gravity on the joints and ligaments to prevent overuse of the muscles while enhancing recovery time and improving flexibility and power. Experience WATERinMOTION®’s unique choreographed formula to keep your training fresh, new, and challenging.

Supported Exercise for Ageless Training
S.E.A.T.®, Supported Exercise for Ageless Training, is a brand new, chair-based fitness program that strengthens the body and mind, while improving balance and flexibility through functional fitness to get the most out of life. The program’s unique design makes S.E.A.T.® the perfect workout to reach the loyal aging market, providing the highest quality instructor and trainer support to make your best class even better.